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Third Eye Chakra

Writer's picture: Barbara Babich-SavinBarbara Babich-Savin
  • Location: Forehead, between the eyes

  • Color: Indigo

  • Element: Light

  • Focus: Intuition and foresight

When the third eye chakra, also known as the Ajna, is out of balance, it can lead to various physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. Here’s a detailed look at each aspect:

Physical Challenges

1.    Headaches and Migraines: Frequent headaches or migraines.

2.    Eye Problems: Issues with vision, such as blurred vision or eye strain.

3.    Sinus Issues: Sinus infections, nasal congestion, and other sinus-related problems.

4.    Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty sleeping, insomnia, or irregular sleep patterns.

5.    Neurological Issues: Problems related to the brain and nervous system.

6.    Hormonal Imbalance: Imbalances in hormones, often affecting overall health and well-being.

Emotional Challenges

1.    Mood Swings: Extreme and unpredictable mood swings.

2.    Emotional Instability: Difficulty managing emotions and feeling emotionally overwhelmed.

3.    Fear of Intuition: Fear of trusting one’s intuition and inner knowing.

4.    Emotional Detachment: Feeling emotionally detached or numb.

5.    Lack of Insight: Difficulty understanding and processing emotions and emotional experiences.

6.    Anxiety: Increased levels of anxiety and stress.

Mental Challenges

1.    Lack of Focus: Difficulty concentrating and maintaining focus.

2.    Confusion: Mental confusion and lack of clarity in thinking.

3.    Indecisiveness: Difficulty making decisions and second-guessing oneself.

4.    Overthinking: Overanalyzing situations and experiencing mental overactivity.

5.    Memory Issues: Problems with memory and recall.

6.    Imagination Blocks: Difficulty accessing or using one’s imagination and creativity.

Spiritual Challenges

1.    Disconnection from Intuition: Feeling disconnected from one’s intuition and inner guidance.

2.    Lack of Spiritual Vision: Difficulty visualizing and connecting with spiritual realms or higher consciousness.

3.    Blocked Energy Flow: Blockages in energy flow that hinder spiritual growth and the ability to receive insights.

4.    Spiritual Disorientation: Feeling spiritually lost or without direction.

5.    Closed Mindedness: Resistance to new ideas and perspectives, leading to a narrow-minded outlook.

6.    Lack of Purpose: Struggling to find or understand one’s spiritual purpose and path.

  • How to Balance and Strengthen the Third Eye: This chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual perception. Balancing and strengthening this chakra can enhance your inner wisdom and connection to higher consciousness. Here are some practices to explore:

  • Physical Stimulation: Eye exercises and visualization techniques can stimulate this chakra. Practice forward bends (such as Child’s Pose or Seated Forward Fold) to stimulate the third eye area. Spend time outdoors, especially in natural settings. Nature supports spiritual awakening and intuition.

  • Emotional Clarity: Practices that develop intuition, such as interpreting dreams or using divination tools like tarot, can clear emotional fog. Engage in visualization exercises to sharpen your mental clarity.

  • Spiritual Practices: Meditation focused on the third eye or using indigo-colored gems can deepen spiritual insight. Surround yourself with indigo or purple colors. Wear clothing in these hues or place indigo crystals (like amethyst or lapis lazuli) near you. Listen to binaural beats, Tibetan singing bowls, or other high-frequency sounds that resonate with the third eye chakra.

  • Nutrition: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like flax seeds and walnuts, support brain health and third eye clarity.


6. Third Eye Chakra

  • Purpose: Intuition, insight, imagination

  • Importance of Affirmations: Affirmations for the third eye chakra enhance your intuition and expand your mind. They encourage trust in one's inner vision and insights, promoting a deeper understanding of the world and enabling decision-making that aligns with your higher self.

  • I trust my intuition and inner vision

  • I am open to exploring what lies beyond the visible

  • My mind is clear and I am open to new visions

  • My intuition guides me toward my highest path

  • I am connected to universal wisdom

  • I honor my inner knowing

  • My third eye is awakened and receptive

  • I am open to receiving Divine guidance

  • I see and think clearly

  • My third eye sees everything

  • I am open to new experiences

  • I nurture my spirit and am in tune with its needs

  • I trust that my highest good is unfolding

  • Seeing and understanding the big picture comes naturally to me

  • I am open and clear channel to receive guidance and clarity from my guides and the universe

  • My body is a powerful messenger and I listen carefully to the signs and guidance I receive

  • I release all blocks to my spiritual connection

  • My intuition is my superpower

Here's an expanded list of questions for Third Eye chakra, providing a more thorough self-assessment to identify potential blockages or imbalances.

Expanded Chakra Self-Assessment Questions

Third Eye Chakra

1.    Do you feel disconnected from your intuition or inner guidance?

2.    Do you struggle with visualization or imagining possibilities for your life?

3.    Do you often feel stuck in old ways of thinking, unable to see beyond your problems?

4.    How confident are you in your decision-making abilities?

5.    Do you find it difficult to focus or stay mentally clear?

6.    How do I access my intuition?

7.    What insights or visions have I received lately?

8.    Am I open to exploring metaphysical concepts?

9.    How can I trust my inner knowing more?

10. Do you often interpret the actions of others in a negative way? If so, why?

11.  What negative patterns continually surface in your relationships with others?

12. What attitudes do you have that disempower you?

13. What beliefs do you continue to accept that you know are not true?

14. Are you judgmental? If so, what situations or relationships bring out that tendency?

15. Do you make excuses for behaving in negative ways?

16. Recall instances in which a more profound level of truth than you were used to hearing was revealed. Was the experience intimidating?

17. What beliefs and attitudes in yourself would you like to change? Can you commit to making those changes?

18. Are you comfortable thinking about your life in impersonal terms?

19. Do you know you need to change but continually postpone taking action? If so, identify those situations and your reasons for not acting?




When engaging in a Third Eye chakra meditation, focusing on sensations, emotions, and thoughts that surface can be deeply revealing and transformative.

Here are seven introspective questions you might explore during or after your meditation to deepen your understanding and connection to your Third Eye chakra:

Third Eye Chakra

1.    Intuition and Insight: How connected do I feel to my intuition and inner wisdom during this meditation? Are there any intuitive messages or insights that come to me?

2.    Imagination: Am I able to visualize and imagine possibilities for my life and goals? How does my ability to visualize influence my decision-making and problem-solving?

3.    Inner Guidance: Do I trust and follow my inner guidance, or do I tend to rely more on external validation and opinions?

4.    Clarity of Thought: How clear are my thoughts and mental processes during this meditation? Do I notice mental chatter or distractions, and how do I manage them?

5.    Awareness of Patterns: Am I aware of recurring patterns or beliefs that may be influencing my perception and actions? How can I cultivate greater awareness and discernment?

6.    Spiritual Connection: How do I perceive my connection to something greater than myself (e.g., spiritual beliefs, universal consciousness)? Do I feel a sense of alignment and purpose?

7.    Third Eye Chakra Energy: After focusing on my third eye chakra, do I sense a feeling of centeredness and clarity in my forehead? How does this energy support my intuition, insight, and spiritual growth?

Questions and Answers for Third Eye

1.    Question: What specific meditation techniques can I use to enhance my intuition and balance my Third Eye Chakra, and how can I track the progress of these practices?

Answer: Meditation techniques such as focused gazing on a candle flame or visualizing an indigo light between your eyebrows are powerful for enhancing intuition and balancing the Third Eye Chakra. These practices sharpen your inner vision and deepen your connection to your intuition. Track your progress by keeping a journal of intuitive insights, dreams, and moments of clarity. As you practice, you’ll notice an increase in mental clarity, intuitive awareness, and decision-making confidence.

2.    Question: How does dream journaling contribute to the balance of the Third Eye Chakra, and what patterns should you look for in your dreams? 

Answer: Dream journaling helps you tap into the subconscious mind, where much of the Third Eye Chakra’s intuitive power resides. Look for recurring symbols, themes, or emotions in your dreams, as they often provide insights into your inner guidance and intuition, helping you to better understand and balance this chakra.

3.    Question: How can practicing mindfulness in daily life enhance the Third Eye Chakra’s function, and what techniques can you use? 

Answer: Practicing mindfulness, such as paying close attention to your surroundings or your thoughts without judgment, enhances the Third Eye Chakra by keeping your mind clear and focused. Techniques like mindful breathing, body scanning, and observing thoughts as they arise help sharpen your intuition and open your inner vision, promoting balance in this chakra.

4.     Question: How can you differentiate between intuition and fear-based thoughts, and what practices can help you cultivate clearer intuition through the Third Eye Chakra? 

Answer: Intuition is typically calm, clear, and comes with a sense of inner knowing, while fear-based thoughts are often accompanied by anxiety and urgency. To differentiate between the two, practice mindful meditation, where you observe your thoughts without attachment, allowing you to recognize the calm, steady voice of intuition. Journaling about your intuitive hits and comparing them with the outcomes can help you fine-tune your ability to trust your intuition. Regularly practicing third eye meditation, where you focus on the area between your eyebrows, can also strengthen this chakra and enhance your intuitive abilities.

5. Question: How can learning and studying new subjects contribute to the health of the Third Eye Chakra, and what types of subjects are particularly beneficial?

Answer: Learning and studying new subjects stimulate the Third Eye Chakra by expanding your mind and enhancing your ability to perceive the world in new ways. Subjects such as philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality, psychology, or any area that challenges your thinking can be particularly beneficial. Engaging with these subjects sharpens your intuition and insight, supporting a balanced Third Eye Chakra.

6. Question: How can practicing detachment from material concerns enhance the Third Eye Chakra, and what steps can you take to cultivate this detachment?

Answer: Practicing detachment from material concerns allows the Third Eye Chakra to function more freely by reducing the distractions of physical reality. Steps to cultivate detachment include simplifying your lifestyle, prioritizing inner growth over material accumulation, and meditating on the impermanence of material things. This practice clears the mental space needed for deeper intuition and insight, essential qualities of a balanced Third Eye Chakra.

Balancing the third eye chakra involves practices that enhance intuition, mental clarity, and spiritual insight. Activities such as meditation, particularly those focused on the third eye, can help. Visualization exercises and mindfulness practices can also enhance mental clarity and intuition. Engaging in creative activities and spending time in nature can stimulate the imagination and promote balance.

Yoga poses that activate the third eye chakra, such as forward bends and child’s pose, can support physical alignment. Working with a spiritual coach or therapist to develop trust in one’s intuition and inner wisdom can aid in restoring balance to the third eye chakra.

For each chakra, consistency in practice and integrating these techniques into daily life can greatly enhance their balance and overall effectiveness. Each chakra has unique needs and balancing them requires a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual practices. Tailoring your approach to your personal situation can lead to more profound and lasting benefits.

Remember, balancing your chakras doesn’t have to be a chore—it can be a joyful, exploratory journey. Tune into what your body and spirit need, and feel free to adapt these practices to fit your life. Let’s keep the energy flowing and embrace our inner balance and peace!

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